Sitemap - 2021 - Capire | feminist voices

What's new this week | Women at the forefront of the struggle for democracy in Sudan and Chile

What's new this week | Feminist solutions to climate change, hunger and violence

What's new this week | Women and the struggles against violence around the world

Multimedia - Internationalist feminists against criminalization, surveillance and violence

What's new this week | Feminism To Fight Free Trade

Tomorrow: Anti-systemic struggles to live free of violence

What's new this week | Feminist Struggle for Demilitarization

What's new this week | Feminist Poetry for Revolution and Self-Determination

What's new this week |  Gallery of The World March of Women International Meetings

What's new this week | Internationalist feminism to legalize abortion and confront authoritarianism

What's new this week | Confronting patriarchal, capitalist, and racist violence

In the Arab world and in Latin America women fight for democracy

Feminism in Asia against free trade and violence

What's new this week | In the past and in the present, women struggle against colonialism and authoritarianism

In solidarity with Afghan women

In Afghanistan, Haiti and around the world, women fight for sovereignty

Register: "Feminist struggles to bring down authoritarianism"

What's new this week: Feminism Facing Witch Hunting, Poverty And Militarization

What's new this week: "Feminism is powerful because it is not an event that is just emerging now"

What's new this week: Black women from Africa and Americas on march for freedom

International afro-latin american, afro-caribbean and diaspora women’s day

#FeministSchool: Political Education in Movement To Change the World

What's new: Libertarian women for land and against slavery

What's new: Black women in movement!

The LGBTQIA+ week on Capire!

What's new this week: our work sustains the economy

What's new this week: self-determination and feminism to change the economy

What's new this week: free Palestine, peace and food sovereignty

What's new this week: Women challenging religious fundamentalism, capital-life conflict and state violences

What's new this week: rebellious, feminist and borderless territories

What's new this week: put and end to free trade, criminalization of movements and anti-immigration policies

What's new this week: vaccination, democracy and feminism without borders

What's new this week: land free of capital, sexuality free of patriarchal control

What's new this week: anti-imperialist feminism to change the world

What's new this week: there is no place for justice and equality on the free trade agenda

What's new this week: food sovereignty is about deciding to change the world

What's new this week: right to health, training and women's work

What's new this week: “the land is socialized and belongs to the peasants!”

Today: International Day of Solidarity Against the Coup in Haiti

What's new this week: no one can steal women's lands and struggles

What's new this week: we have a new world to build in our hands

Call for Posters: Anti-Imperialist Feminism To Change the World

What's new this week: Feminist struggle for freedom and sovereignty

Living Memory of March 8

Berta Cáceres: “We Have the Challenge To Continue To Make This Rebelliousness Real”

What's new this week: to survive is to fight against exploitation, violence, militarism

Feminist call for entries for photographs: 1 week to apply!

What's new this week: Our living memory, without fear, without war

What's new this week: "Don’t teach me to hate my torrid country"

What's new this week: The struggles for land, nature and women's freedom

What's new this week: The contributions of black women in Brazil and Uganda

What's new this week: our language, our territories, our technologies

What's new this week

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